The scope of the Cases conferences includes, but is not limited to, the
following areas:
1. Application-specific and domain-specific embedded systems
2. Compilation techniques that focus on embedded architectures
3. Customizable processors and digital signal processors
4. Design, specification, and synthesis of embedded systems
5. Dynamic compilation and managed runtime environments for embedded
6. Embedded uses of instruction-level parallelism, including VLIW, EPIC
and superscalar
7. Embedded system integration and testing
8. Heterogeneous multiprocessing on a chip
9. Memory management, smart caches and compiler controlled memories
10. Novel architectures and micro-architectures for embedded systems
11. Low-power architectures, power vs. performance tradeoffs
12. Profiling, measurement, and analysis techniques of embedded
13. Reconfigurable embedded computing systems
14. Software design for multiprocessor embedded systems
15. System-on-a-Chip and System-on-a-Programmable-Chip architectures,
compilers and tools
16. Validation, verification, and debugging techniques for embedded
17. VLSI and circuit techniques for embedded system design
18. Multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC