09 1st, 2007
Liposuction Cost

Fees generally vary according to region of country and patient needs. Average Cost of Liposuction:

Cost Range: $2,350-$9,850

Liposuction Cost Range by specific area:
Abdomen, upper and lower: $3,700 - 8,600
Breasts: $3,600 - 8,300
Abdomen, lower: $2,350 - 5,800
Flanks, male: $2,400 - 5,600
Arms: $1,900 - 4,500
Anterior Thighs and Knees: $2,550 - 5,950
Buttocks: $2,200 - 5,150
Back: $2,100 - 4,000
Inner Thighs and Knees: $2,650 - 5,500
Cheeks, Chin, Neck, Jowls: $2,400 - 5,2000
Hips (Waist): $2,150 - 5,650
Buttocks: $2,200 - 5,150
Outer Thighs: $2,150 - 4,500

Anesthesiologist: $500
Facility fee: $700
Hospital Fee: $500

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