Demand for high performance embedded computing and increases in complexity
of embedded software require leveraging diverse architecture, microarchitecture
and compiler research. Application-specific solutions are needed in embedded
areas, such as digital audio/video, imaging, game consoles, graphics, mobile
and web appliances, and automotive systems. There are new challenges for embedded
systems, such as time-to-market, cost, code size, weight, power, and real-time
The CASES conference provides a forum for emerging technology in embedded
computing systems, with an emphasis on compilers and architectures for embedded
systems. CASES is a common forum for researchers with an interest in embedded
systems to reach across vertically integrated communities and to promote synergies.
As evident from the past CASES meetings, several emerging applications are
critically dependent on these interactions for their sustained growth and
This year, the seventh in the CASES series, the conference will focus
on the complexity of system-level design and its associated challenges and
requirements for compilers and architectures.
(Industry) Sponsored by
IBM Research:
Texas Instruments:
General Co-chairs
Mary Jane Irwin
Pennsylvania State University
Wei Zhao
Texas Instruments
Program Co-Chairs
Luciano Lavagno
Politecnico di Torino/Cadence Labs
Scott Mahlke
University of Michigan
Publications Chair
Sung Kyu Lim
Georgia Institute of Technology
Publicity Chair
Alain Darte
CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Finance Chair
Jack Davidson
University of Virginia
Workshops Chair
Rajeev Barua
University of Maryland at College Park
Local Chair
Bruce Jacob
University of Maryland at College Park
Paper Submissions Chair
Kevin Fan
University of Michigan
China Representative Chair
Jinian Bian
Tsinghua University
Korea Representative Chair
Taewhan Kim
Seoul National University
Web Chair
Mongkol Ekpanyapong
Georgia Institute of Technology
Steering Committee
Guang R. Gao
University of Delaware
Vinod Kathail
Jaime Moreno
IBM Research
Trevor Mudge
University of Michigan
Krishna V. Palem
Georgia Institute of Technology
Wayne Wolf
Princeton University
Previous CASES
CASES 2003
CASES 2002
CASES 2001
CASES 2000
Questions and feedbacks: regarding paper submission fank AT umich.edu,
regarding website pop AT ece.gatech.edu
Previously unpublished
papers containing significant novel ideas and technical results are solicited.
Conference topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas.
and domain-specific embedded systems
Compilation techniques
that focus on embedded architectures
and digital signal processors
- Design, specification, and synthesis of embedded systems
- Dynamic compilation and managed runtime
environments for embedded systems
- Embedded uses of instruction-level
parallelism, including VLIW, EPIC and superscalar
- Embedded system integration and testing
- Heterogeneous multiprocessing on
a chip
- Memory management, smart caches and
compiler controlled memories
- Novel architectures and micro-architectures
for embedded systems
- Low-power architectures, power vs.
performance tradeoffs
- Profiling, measurement, and analysis
techniques of embedded applications
- Reconfigurable embedded computing
- Software design for multiprocessor
embedded systems
- System-on-a-Chip and System-on-a-Programmable-Chip
architectures, compilers and tools
- Validation, verification, and debugging
techniques for embedded software
- VLSI and circuit techniques for embedded
system design
THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS Monday May 10, 2004. There is
an automatic one-week extension for late papers. There will be no other extensions.
Please submit one electronic copy of the paper in PDF format, using our website.
Notification of acceptance will occur by June 28, 2004.
Papers submissions should
contain significant novel ideas and technical results, and should represent
original work not previously published nor currently being considered for
publication in other forums.
Submission Instructions
should be submitted electronically through the conference web site, in PDF
format. Submissions should be no more than 6000 words and 22 double spaced
pages, with 1 inch margins and 11 pt font or larger. The paper must be single-column. Include a 200 word single spaced
abstract in the first page of the paper.
Please make sure you paper prints satisfactorily on 8.5"x11" paper, this is especially important from countries where A4 paper is standard.
Authors may choose whether they would
like to expose their identity to the reviewers, in which case authors' affiliations
should also be included on the first page.
Submissions not adhering to these guidelines may be outright rejected at the discretion of the program chairs.
If you have any paper submission problem, please contact our paper submission chair
Kevin Fan via Email [email protected].
Invitation Letter 
For international travelers who require Visa, a request for invitation letter should be sent to Prof. Scott Mahlke via Email [email protected]. Your request must include the following information: Your first name, last name, title, affiliation, research area, postal address, email address, phone number, and fax number. Also a briefly statement about the relationship with the conference is required. If you have already registered, please provide us your registration information.
Note that for the author of a paper in CASES, acceptance letter sent earlier by email can be used as an invitation letter.
May 10, 2004
Author Notification
June 28, 2004
Final Paper Due
July 19, 2004
* = Automatic one-week extension for late papers