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Cases 2004:

Fifth International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems

The Latham Hotel, Washington D.C., USA

Sept. 22 – Sept. 25, 2004

Demand for high performance embedded computing and increases in complexity of embedded software require leveraging diverse architecture, microarchitecture and compiler research. Application-specific solutions are needed in embedded areas, such as digital audio/video, imaging, game consoles, graphics, mobile and web appliances, and automotive systems. There are new challenges for embedded systems, such as time-to-market, cost, code size, weight, power, and real-time behavior.

The CASES conference provides a forum for emerging technology in embedded computing systems, with an emphasis on compilers and architectures for embedded systems. CASES is a common forum for researchers with an interest in embedded systems to reach across vertically integrated communities and to promote synergies. As evident from the past CASES meetings, several emerging applications are critically dependent on these interactions for their sustained growth and evolution.

This year, the seventh in the CASES series, the conference will focus on the complexity of system-level design and its associated challenges and requirements for compilers and architectures.

(Industry) Sponsored by
IBM Research 
Texas Instruments